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Johannes Kirschnick

Johannes Kirschnick works at HP Laboratories on Cloud Infrastructure; he has been focusing on storage, bridging the persistent storage outside the VMs with that of the virtual machines themselves. As well as integrating the Ibrix filesystem with Hadoop, he has been bonding VMs to Ibrix; running them close to the data.

Isabel Drost

Isabel Drost is member of the Apache Software Foundation. She is organiser of the Apache Hadoop Get Together in Berlin, was co-organiser of the NoSQL meetup as well as the Berlin Buzzwords conference. She co-founded Apache Mahout and is active Mahout committer. Isabel is actively engaged with communities of various Apache projects, e.g. Lucene and Hadoop. Isabel is moderating the introductory and closing sessions - Apache Mahout talks this time are given by Sean Owen.

Nick Burch

Nick is passionate about open source and open development, and has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation since 2003. Nick is chair of the Apache POI project, and as a member of the ASF helps out with mentoring of new projects, and with community development. Nick currently works for Alfresco, and is one of the lead developers on Activiti, the new open source BPMN 2.0 process and workflow engine. When not coding, Nick can often be found helping to run and speak at BarCamps, Geek Nights and technology conferences.


Have lunch together with other developers, speakers and users of projects presented at Berlin Buzzwords. Go out for dinner and drinks in Simon Dach Strasse close to the venue. Exchange your experience with searching, storing and analysing data with others.

Jan Lehnardt

Jan Lehnardt is an Apache CouchDB committer and co-author of the O'Reilly book "CouchDB: The Definitive Guide". He's a founder of Couchio with Chris Anderson and Damien Katz. He lives in Berlin and enjoys friends, food, drumming & biking - and explaining how easy peer-to-peer systems are really.

Tim Lossen

Backend Developer at wooga, Founder of OpenStoragePod

Tim is deeply in love with technology -- especially shiny new technology. Luckily, he has ample opportunity to follow this passion at his day job at social gaming startup wooga in Berlin, where he gets to play with Ruby, Redis, Cassandra, Hadoop etc.

In his free time, he also likes to tinker with hardware, and recently has started an open source hardware project. The aim is store more than a petabyte of data in a single rack, and to do this as cheaply and energyefficiently as possible.


Michael Busch

Software developer at Twitter, Lucene PMC member

Michael Busch works as Search Engineer at Twitter, where he currently focusses on realtime indexing and search. Prior to Twitter he worked for 5 years at IBM on Enterprise Search and eDiscovery solutions.

Michael is Apache Lucene Committer and PMC member for several years. Here he worked on features like Payloads, reopen-able IndexReaders, multi-level posting skip lists and various other features and improvements.

In his second life Michael is the Software Engineering Manager for the non-profit organization Literacy Bridge. (

Stefan Groschupf

CTO at datameer

Stefan Groschupf is a Hadoop industry veteran and visionary. He has recently served as the Cloud Computing Architect at EMI Music and has been a Hadoop consultant at Apple, HP, Nokia and CarrierIQ. Stefan is a long-time open source expert in Nutch, Hadoop, and Katta.

Doug Judd

CEO of Hypertable

Doug is co-founder and CEO of Hypertable, Inc, a company that provides commercial support for Hypertable, a massively scalable, open source database. Doug started the Hypertable open source project in 2007, while working as an Architect at Zvents, and has been actively building the technology ever since. Doug has over a decade of software engineering experience in the area of distributed computing and information retrieval.

Jukka Zitting

Senior developer for Swiss CMS vendor Day Software

Jukka Zitting is an active open source developer focused on content management. He is the chairman of the Apache Jackrabbit project and an active participant in various other open source projects at Apache and elsewhere. He sees software development as modern day craftsmanship and believes in open source as the best way to practice the craft. Jukka works as a Senior Developer for the Swiss CMS vendor Day Software, and spends his free time exploring Switzerland or visiting his fiancée and their two cats back in Finland.

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