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Grant Ingersoll

founder and member of the technical staff at Lucid Imagination

Grant Ingersoll is a founder and member of the technical staff at Lucid Imagination. Grant's programming interests include information retrieval, machine learning, text categorization, and extraction. Grant is the co-founder of the Apache Mahout machine-learning project, as well as a committer and speaker on both the Apache Lucene and Apache Solr projects. He is also the co-author of Taming Text (Manning, forthcoming) covering open source tools for natural-language processing.

Pieter Hintjens

founder of iMatix Corporation

Pieter Hintjens is the founder of iMatix Corporation. He was principal author of the AMQP middleware standard and main developer of the OpenAMQ middleware server. In 2005, Pieter was elected president of the FFII, the association fighting for a fair and free information infrastructure.

Robert Muir

Software developer for Abraxas Corporation

I work as a software developer for Abraxas Corporation. MSc., CS. from Johns Hopkins, BSc., CS. from Radford University. For the last few years I've been working on natural language processing (NLP) problems. Committer on Apache Lucene.

Peter Neubauer

Co-Founder project

Peter is co-founder of the project. Peter has been deeply involved in programming for 10 years and is co-founder of a number of Open Source projects like Neo4j, Tinkerpop, OPS4J and Qi4j. Peter loves connecting things, writing crappy prototypes and throwing together new ideas and projects around web, mobile and graphs. If you want brainstorming- feed him a Latte and you are in business.


Steve Loughran

Member of the Apache Software Foundation

Steve Loughran works at HP Laboratories on Cloud Infrastructure: as well as getting Hadoop to work in a virtualised infrastructure, he's trying to make the infrastructure more suited to such applications. He is an Apache member and active committer in the Ant and Hadoop projects. Steve is the author of Ant in Action, and while not writing any new books at present, he is enjoying how builds and tests get more complicated when your tests create entire virtual clusters as part of each test case.

Sarah Sproehnle

Employee at Cloudera

Sarah is currently an employee at Cloudera where she provides training on Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce), Hive, HBase and more. Before joining Cloudera, she was working for MySQL for many years, specializing in tuning SQL queries and scaling backend systems.

Frank Scholten

Java developer at JTeam

I am a Java developer at JTeam with 3 years of experience. I have a Msc. in Computer Science from University of Twente, with a Software Engineering major. I have worked on e-commerce sites, web-based administrative systems and systems integration projects, mostly working with Spring, JPA/Hibernate and Wicket. Currently I am researching recommendation engines and Apache Mahout / Taste as part of the Enterprise Search group at JTeam.

Uwe Schindler

PMC member of Apache Lucene and Solr

Uwe is committer and PMC member of Apache Lucene and Solr. His main focus is on development of Lucene Java. He implemented fast numerical search and is maintaining the new attribute-based text analysis API. He studied Physics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He works as software architect and consultant for PANGAEA (Publishing Network for Geoscientific & Environmental Data) in Bremen, Germany. Uwe had talks about Lucene at various international conferences and meetups.

James Goodwin

Principal Engineer at Nokia

James Goodwin has been in the software industry for 28 years working as a Software Architect at Lotus Development, IBM, and Intuit on products like Lotus 123, Lotus Discovery Server, Intuit QuickBooks Network and others. Most recently he has been a Tech Lead at MetaCarta working on their geographic search appliance and is currently a Principal Engineer at Nokia in the Ovi Experience unit.

Andrzej Bialecki

Apache Lucene PMC Member

Andrzej Bialecki, Apache Lucene PMC Member, also serves as the project lead for Nutch, and as committer in the Lucene-java, Nutch and Hadoop projects. He has broad expertise, across domains as diverse as information retrieval, systems architecture, embedded systems, networking and business process/e-commerce modeling. He's also the author of the popular Luke index inspection utility. Andrzej holds a master's degree in Electronics from Warsaw Technical University, speaks four languages and programs in many, many more.

Max Heimel

Student at TU Berlin

Max Heimel graduated in 2008 with a bachelor degree in Applied Computer Science at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University. During his studies he spent two internships at IBM facilities in San Jose, USA working on topics related to data statistics usage and managment in the SQL optimizer of Informix Dynamic server. After obtaining his bachelor degree, he spent a one-year assignment working as a software engineer on data warehousing support for the Informix Dynamic Server optimizer at the IBM

Eric Evans

Debian Developer and Apache Cassandra committer

Eric Evans is a Debian Developer and Apache Cassandra committer. To the disgust of many he once coined the term "NoSQL", but has since apologized and promises to do better. Eric resides in San Antonio Texas where he works on distributed systems for The Rackspace Cloud.


Rusty Klophaus

Senior Software Engineer, Basho Technologies

Rusty Klophaus is on the core team of Basho Riak, a dynamo-inspired key/value store; and Basho Search, a solution for distributed indexing and queries. Over the past two years, Rusty has become a recognized face in the Erlang community for his work with Basho and as the author of Nitrogen Web Framework, a full-stack Erlang framework for interactive web applications.

Julien Nioche

Director of DigitalPebble Ltd

Julien is the founder of DigitalPebble Ltd, a consultancy based in Bristol
UK. He specialises in Information Retrieval, Text Analysis, Information
Extraction, Opinion Mining and Text Classification with a strong expertise
on Open Source solutions. Julien is a committer on Apache Nutch and
contributes to several other open source projects.

Shay Banon

Founder of ElasticSearch

Founder of ElasticSearch, an Open Source, distributed, RESTful, Search Engine. Director of Technology at GigaSpaces Technologies, a leading provider of a new generation of application platforms for Java and .Net environments. Shay started working on mission critical real time C/C++ systems, later moving to Java (and never looked back). Within the Java world, Shay has worked on a propriety implementation of a distributed rule engine(RETE) server, your typical Java based web projects, and messaging based projects

Jay Booth

Software developer at Proclivity Systems

Jay Booth currently works at Proclivity Systems, where he maintains the internal Hadoop distribution and is a senior engineer on the core algorithms team, implementing consumer behavior models to optimize marketing campaigns. Previously, he built the search infrastructure for the NYC Dept of Education ARIS project with Wireless Generation, led the technology team at Net-Temps, and served as a Selectman in Tyngsboro, MA. He currently resides in New York City.

Steven Noels

Co-Founder of Outerthought

Steven Noels is co-founder of Outerthought, a geek-technical content application vendor specializing in large-scale content management and publishing solutions. Outerthought is the creator of the successful open source CMS Daisy, and is currently building a next-generation successor for it, called Lily. Lily is based on Apache HBase and SOLR and builds further upon our many years of experience with content management applications.
Steven is an Apache Software Foundation member and a speaker on subjects of open source, content management and NOSQL both locally (Belgium) and abroad.

Fabian Hüske

Research associate at TU Berlin

Fabian Hüske is a research associate at the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group at the Technische Universität Berlin since June 2008. In 2003 he started his studies with the international study course „Applied Computer Science“ at the University of Cooperative Education Stuttgart, Germany and finished it in 2006. During this study course, he was fully employed by IBM Germany and did two summer internships at the IBM
Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA, USA where he wrote his diploma thesis. Fabian Hüske proceeded his studies at the University Ulm, Germany.

Mathias Stearn

Software engineer at 10gen

Mathias Stearn is a Software Engineer for 10gen, where he works on the core
MongoDB server and maintains the C language driver. Previously, he worked at
FactSet where he used MongoDB in a log analysis application. He has a degree
in Computer Science from the University of Maryland.


Mathias Meyer

Engineer at Peritor

Mathias Meyer (@roidrage) works for Peritor, a Rails and Amazon Web Services consultancy in Berlin. Apart from playing with new technologies, especially from the glamorous world of post-relational databases, his urge to automate just about anything has become nothing short of an obsession. It ultimately lead to the development of Scalarium (, an awesome cloud management and deployment platform

Slides at

Sean Owen

Committer for Apache Mahout

I am a committer for Apache Mahout and primarily developed its recommender engine support over the past 4 years. I was a software engineer with Google in New York, focusing on mobile search. I am currently co-writing the book "Mahout in Action" from Manning.

Aaron Kimball

Software engineer at Cloudera

Aaron Kimball is a software engineer at Cloudera, Inc., the Commercial Hadoop company. Aaron is the principle developer of Sqoop, the SQL-to-Hadoop database import/export tool. Aaron has been working with Hadoop since early 2007, and contributes actively to its development. Through Cloudera, he additionally provides training to developers and system administrators working with Hadoop. Aaron holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Cornell University, and an M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington.

Jukka Zitting

Senior developer for Swiss CMS vendor Day Software

Jukka Zitting is an active open source developer focused on content management. He is the chairman of the Apache Jackrabbit project and an active participant in various other open source projects at Apache and elsewhere. He sees software development as modern day craftsmanship and believes in open source as the best way to practice the craft. Jukka works as a Senior Developer for the Swiss CMS vendor Day Software, and spends his free time exploring Switzerland or visiting his fiancée and their two cats back in Finland.

Doug Judd

CEO of Hypertable

Doug is co-founder and CEO of Hypertable, Inc, a company that provides commercial support for Hypertable, a massively scalable, open source database. Doug started the Hypertable open source project in 2007, while working as an Architect at Zvents, and has been actively building the technology ever since. Doug has over a decade of software engineering experience in the area of distributed computing and information retrieval.

Stefan Groschupf

CTO at datameer

Stefan Groschupf is a Hadoop industry veteran and visionary. He has recently served as the Cloud Computing Architect at EMI Music and has been a Hadoop consultant at Apple, HP, Nokia and CarrierIQ. Stefan is a long-time open source expert in Nutch, Hadoop, and Katta.

Simon Willnauer

Simon is a committer of Apache Lucene Java (Contrib), OpenRelevance and Connectors. During the last couple of years he worked on design and implementation of scalable software systems and search infrastructure. He studied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciene Berlin. Currently, he work as a consultant for Apache Solr, Lucene Java and Hadoop and is a co-organizer of the "BerlinBuzzwords" conference on Scalability June
2010 in Berlin.

Michael Busch

Software developer at Twitter, Lucene PMC member

Michael Busch works as Search Engineer at Twitter, where he currently focusses on realtime indexing and search. Prior to Twitter he worked for 5 years at IBM on Enterprise Search and eDiscovery solutions.

Michael is Apache Lucene Committer and PMC member for several years. Here he worked on features like Payloads, reopen-able IndexReaders, multi-level posting skip lists and various other features and improvements.

In his second life Michael is the Software Engineering Manager for the non-profit organization Literacy Bridge. (

Tim Lossen

Backend Developer at wooga, Founder of OpenStoragePod

Tim is deeply in love with technology -- especially shiny new technology. Luckily, he has ample opportunity to follow this passion at his day job at social gaming startup wooga in Berlin, where he gets to play with Ruby, Redis, Cassandra, Hadoop etc.

In his free time, he also likes to tinker with hardware, and recently has started an open source hardware project. The aim is store more than a petabyte of data in a single rack, and to do this as cheaply and energyefficiently as possible.


Jan Lehnardt

Jan Lehnardt is an Apache CouchDB committer and co-author of the O'Reilly book "CouchDB: The Definitive Guide". He's a founder of Couchio with Chris Anderson and Damien Katz. He lives in Berlin and enjoys friends, food, drumming & biking - and explaining how easy peer-to-peer systems are really.


Have lunch together with other developers, speakers and users of projects presented at Berlin Buzzwords. Go out for dinner and drinks in Simon Dach Strasse close to the venue. Exchange your experience with searching, storing and analysing data with others.

Nick Burch

Nick is passionate about open source and open development, and has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation since 2003. Nick is chair of the Apache POI project, and as a member of the ASF helps out with mentoring of new projects, and with community development. Nick currently works for Alfresco, and is one of the lead developers on Activiti, the new open source BPMN 2.0 process and workflow engine. When not coding, Nick can often be found helping to run and speak at BarCamps, Geek Nights and technology conferences.

Isabel Drost

Isabel Drost is member of the Apache Software Foundation. She is organiser of the Apache Hadoop Get Together in Berlin, was co-organiser of the NoSQL meetup as well as the Berlin Buzzwords conference. She co-founded Apache Mahout and is active Mahout committer. Isabel is actively engaged with communities of various Apache projects, e.g. Lucene and Hadoop. Isabel is moderating the introductory and closing sessions - Apache Mahout talks this time are given by Sean Owen.

Johannes Kirschnick

Johannes Kirschnick works at HP Laboratories on Cloud Infrastructure; he has been focusing on storage, bridging the persistent storage outside the VMs with that of the virtual machines themselves. As well as integrating the Ibrix filesystem with Hadoop, he has been bonding VMs to Ibrix; running them close to the data.