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Lucene Forecast - Version, Unicode, Flex and Modules

Mon, 2010-06-07 10:35 - 11:20
Simon Willnauer
Uwe Schindler

Since Apache Lucene moved to Java 5 in November 2009 several new features and concepts were introduced. From maintaining Version-by-Version backwards compatibility to fully enabled Unicode 4.0 support and the recently merged "Flexible-Indexing" branch, future Versions are ushering a new ear of Open Source fulltext search. During spring 2010 Lucene and Solr developments have merged leading to an even closer development and more flexible modularization. This talk starts with a brief history and introduction of new features like Version and Unicode while main parts are outlining the vision of Lucenes next version
including "Flexible-Indexing", Automaton Query and modularization.


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