Eric Evans is a Debian Developer and Apache Cassandra committer. To the disgust of many he once coined the term "NoSQL", but has since apologized and promises to do better. Eric resides in San Antonio Texas where he works on distributed systems for The Rackspace Cloud.
Eric will be giving an introductory talk on Apache Cassandra: Inspired by publications from academia and industry giants Amazon and Google, a number of FLOSS systems have emerged which promise massive scalability of structured data. One such system is Apache Cassandra. Cassandra differs from other Big Data players in that it combines the BASE properties and shared-nothing architecture of Dynamo, with the rich column family-based data model of Bigtable to create a unique second-generation distributed database. This talk will cover Cassandra's architecture and API, and will explore the data model of Twissandra, a Twitter-like demo application written in Python.
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