One week before the call for presentations ends we have a mixture of lots of awesome presentation proposals submitted already. Though several submissions are still missing, I plotted the distribution of talks submitted today to get a first impression of topic distribution for the schedule template.
Speakers are being asked to either submit a long (45min) or a short (30min) talks. Depending on the proposal I tried to tag talks as either being mainly related to data storage, analysis or search. Usually speakers submit presentations that fit into more than topic only, so expect my classification to be highly subjective at best.
For those interested in statistics, I would like to share the result with you below:
A first analysis quickly reveals: Though topics and talk lengths are pretty evenly distributed there seems to be a slight bias towards scaling storage systems - currently mostly NoSQL. Finding new ways to store data efficiently currently seems to be a problem faced by most developers of scalable systems.
There is one week left for you to influence the above graph: An updated version will be posted after all submissions have arrived. So if you would like to change the distribution of topics at Berlin Buzzwords: Submit a talk on your favourite scalability topic now - or help spread the word on Berlin Buzzwords and convince your colleagues and friends to submit a talk.
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