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Berlin Buzzwords Team

Berlin Buzzwords opens its doors next Monday at 8:45am. As you may know, the conference is being organised by Simon Willnauer, Jan Lehnardt, Isabel Drost and newthinking communications. We would like to use this opportunity to publish some pictures and background information on the people behind Berlin Buzzwords - if you have any questions or problems during the conference, don't hesitate to grab one of the following guys for help:

Responsible for the content of Berlin Buzzwords

Simon is a committer of Apache Lucene Java (Contrib), OpenRelevance and Connectors. During the last couple of years he worked on design and implementation of scalable software systems and search infrastructure. He studied Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciene Berlin. Currently, he work as a consultant for Apache Solr, Lucene Java and Hadoop and is a co-organizer of the "BerlinBuzzwords" conference on Scalability June 2010 in Berlin.

Jan Lehnardt is an Apache CouchDB committer and co-author of the O'Reilly book "CouchDB: The Definitive Guide". He's a founder of Couchio with Chris Anderson and Damien Katz. He lives in Berlin and enjoys friends, food, drumming & biking - and explaining how easy peer-to-peer systems are really.

Isabel Drost is member of the Apache Software Foundation. She is organiser of the Apache Hadoop Get Together in Berlin, was co-organiser of the NoSQL meetup as well as the Berlin Buzzwords conference. She co-founded Apache Mahout and is active Mahout committer. Isabel is actively engaged with communities of various Apache projects, e.g. Lucene and Hadoop. She is regular speaker at renown conferences on topics related to free software development, scalability, Apache Lucene, Apache Hadoop and Apache Mahout.

Responsible for organisation and administration

Julia Gemählich is working as a project manager for newthinking communications GmbH in Berlin. During Berlin Buzzwords she will be responsible for all coordinating and organisation topics. Furthermore Julia is a member of the all2gethernow organisation, which will take part in autumn 2010 during Berlin Music Week. In her free time she organizes a yoga-festival in Mecklenburg/Germany and loves travelling through South America.

Nils Meinzer is our speaker travel manager. He currently works at newthinking communications. During Berlin Buzzwords he is - amongst others - responsible for speaker support and press relations.

Andreas Gebhard is founder and CEO of newthinking communications. He is a former office manager of a member of the European Parliament and project lead of the internet campaign “Bundestux – penguins for offices” (Bundestux – Pinguine ins Amt). The goal was the introduction of Linux in the German Bundestag. He has long-time political experience and for several years was press relations officer of the LinuxTag – the largest exihibition on free software in Europe.

Ulf Kypke-Burchardi is responsible for network connectivity at the conference location. If WiFi does not work for you, he is the guy to talk to.

We would also like to thank Mark Washeim for his help setting up and maintaining the Berlin Buzzwords CMS.

Responsible for the Barcamp on Sunday evening before Buzzwords

If you arrive on Sunday evening you hopefully registered to take part in the Barcamp Berlin Buzzwords in newthinking store on Sunday evening. The Barcamp is co-organised by Nick Burch:

Nick is passionate about open source and open development, and has been involved with the Apache Software Foundation since 2003. Nick is chair of the Apache POI project, and as a member of the ASF helps out with mentoring of new projects, and with community development. When not coding, Nick can often be found helping to run and speak at BarCamps, Geek Nights and technology conferences.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Berlin Buzzwords 2010 for an amazing conference with lots of interesting talks and presentations.


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